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 Complementary Programming 

Ex ante Evaluation

The ex ante evaluation is a part of Complementary Programming, pursuant to Structural Funds Regulation 1260/99, article 18, paragraph 3, including the following according to article 41, paragraph 3 of this Regulation:
  • Problems related to the assessment and follow-up capabilities during the previous Programmed Period.
  • Cohesion between the operational goals of each Measure and general objectives of the Priority Axis (which are set in the Approved Operational Programme).
  • Compatibility with main national and community policies.
  • Quantification of separate goals and results, where possible, and more precisely:
  • Output / indicators on completion of natural object for the period 2000-2006, as well as for the years 2000-2003.
  • Relevance and credibility of indicators regarding project completion and results so as to cover the needs for follow-up and assessment.
  • Implementation quality, monitoring settings and mainly:
    • Adequacy of proposed management and control tools
    • Assessment of temporary criteria for projects/actions selection and of the latter’s contribution to effectiveness.

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